Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Red Ring of Death: Summary

It's been over a week since my Xbox was returned to me. I'll break down my thoughts below:


Getting my Xbox to and from the service center was as quick and painless as I could have hoped for.

Microsoft provided detailed instructions, all the materials I needed, and automated means for getting status updates.

The only improvement I can imagine is the ability to take my Xbox to a local service center for same or next day repair. 


I appreciate that I didn't need to talk to anyone during the process. Overall Microsoft was clear and concise. However, Microsoft didn't go above and beyond to compensate for my troubles.

Microsoft did include a month of Xbox Live for free. However, my Xbox Live yearly subscription was running while my Xbox was in repair so this 'gift' was the least they could do.  

At an Amazon value of $7.99, please excuse me if I am not overwhelmed with gratitude.


Xbox sent me a working consul rather than repairing the consul I purchased so I 'can get back to playing and enjoying [my] Xbox quicker.'

What's most concerning is that my new Xbox is much louder than my previous Xbox. I'm not sure if the fan is broken or if it's just different hardware. I can only hope this isn't a sign of an impending Red Ring of Death or if it is, that it happens before the warranty expires.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lucasfilm: Indy 4

At the top of this blog, I stated that all companies that I previously hate would get a clean slate, and technically, I saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull before starting this blog. However, this company has been so egregious over the past two decades, I can't help but call it out.

The most recent disaster has been well documented. These two links sum up my feelings better than my own words would: